David Dixon
David worked for Nat West as a Senior Dealer mainly on the Forward Desk but also has a great deal of knowledge about spot, medium term and OBS Derivative Markets. Regarded as one of the "big dogs" in the Forward Swiss Market in particular David's reputation was global. A true professional from the old school. When he retired from Trading itself he then went in to a role that had him as in-house trading/investment advisor providing analysis to fellow traders. From 2000 to 2006 he advised Corporate and private clients on various financial matters and since then has consulted in various Financial Services roles and worked along side me. David still trades today using the strategies that we developed between us years ago.
Tony Baiden
Tony spent 13 years in the City reaching middle management status. Redundancy forced him to re-evaluate his short and long term goals. The sub-prime and credit derivatives collapse in 2007 /8 marked a sea-change in the global economy. He decided the “job for life” was a relic of the 60's Blue Collar workers and so he looked for something new. He was committed to investing and sought out mentors that could educate him in Forex Trading. From there he developed the skills and market awareness required that in turn allowed him to work when he wanted to form where he wanted to. He admits that although it was not easy he found what he was looking for with Clive and David. We trained him up and today he is still an integral part of the thesharpend.uk machine. The advice he gives to anyone dreaming about a better future comes from one of his influences Tony Gaskins who said “If you don’t build your dream, someone will hire you to build theirs”
Mentoring and Education
Are you interested in any mentoring or education?
If so contact me and I will be happy to discuss your requirements.
For any further information contact;
07368 131770